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We want to hear from you!

We’ve been aiming to be as helpful as possible for you over the last month, including the latest Covid19 updates, homeschooling guidance, and resource lists.

It is likely that over the next month, schools will begin to be re-opened. We want to make sure we are able to support you as best as we can. So, we’d love to know how you feel about going back! What sort of hurdles do you anticipate facing?

Comment below to join the conversation!

back to school?



I’m a teacher from Hertfordshire and as much as I’m looking forward to seeing my pupils again I’m worried they’ll be out of their routine! Hopefully they come back and appreciate school more than they did before!

I’m a teacher in a primary school in Liverpool. The kids left in high-spirits and I hope this has carried on through-out their time at home. I’m hoping they’re still as eager to learn as they were before. Schools can be a support system as well as a place to learn, so I hope they are all coming back in the right frame of mind!

I’m a teacher in Nigeria.
I hope to see my students enthusiastic to learn but I’m afraid they might be too relax due to the fact they’ve been away from school for awhile.

We’re very worried about the Government plan for going back to school. We’re currently being left in the dark about when students will return and feel like we will not be given appropriate notice!

How are we supposed to maintain social distancing with kids – in a school with nearly 2000 students the corridors aren’t wide enough to keep 2m between them even if it’s a reduced cohort… would be better to keep the routine they have adopted now until the new academic year

I’m concerned about how schools will be able to manage social distancing. I cannot see how this will work unless there is some element of shifts in when classes attend so that the children who would normally be in one class can be split between more than one room. They would to need to stay in that group throughout the shift and the classroom would need to be cleaned thoroughly between shifts (by ???)Many schools have narrow corridors and multiple door handles to negotiate due to fire safety regulations.
Parents would need to queue 2m apart to collect children etc. It’s far from simple and the clamours for returns to school in the press don’t really help because, at the moment, it can’t be school as we knew it although that’s what everyone yearns for.
I’m also concerned about staff members classified as vulnerable through ill-health or who appear fit but are on medication that reduces immunity.Similarly, there are children or their family members who are classified as vulnerable for whom provision needs to be made.
The sooner government expectations are released and agreed with teaching bodies, the sooner we can make plans and start to address the gaps in education and social and emotional development. But schools can’t return while the contagion risk is still high.

Would be amazing to get back to school and see the children. Concerned about how we maintain social distancing in a school environment.

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