Worried about school closures? It’s understandable, this is a difficult time for schools & parents with no one really knowing how it will impact education. Now more than ever parental engagement is key for navigating through this uncertainty with as minimal impact to children and students as possible.
At Eduspot we’ve been the market leaders for parental engagement and communication products for the last 12 years. Over 10,000 schools and millions of parents trust us to notify them of school closures, share homework & achievements, manage school payments and much more.
So, if you’re looking at preparing for closures and reduce the educational impact to a minimum let’s talk about what our communication products can offer you.
Contact parents and guardians quickly and easily, keeping them up to date of any school closures or news.
Reach all branches of the family tree with our email service. Send attachments for homework and personalise your emails with the rich text editor.
We’re doing our best to help as many schools out there as we can. If you’re currently not a Teachers2Parents customers then follow this link or click the banner below to use the system free from subscription costs for the year. If you are using Teachers2Parents we have offers on our email and forms modules which we will announce soon.