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Mercy College

Mercy College

Reducing costs with schoolmoney

Report Card - Mercy College

Secondary School


300 pupils

At Mercy we have a caring and dedicated staff who ensure each pupil receives the very best education which we can offer. Staff and pupils work together in a happy environment to contribute to the enrichment of each person. We are fully committed to shared education and work closely with all schools in North Belfast.

The assignment: Reducing cash handling

As an office manager I was trying make office staff hours more productive and cost effective. I was also tasked with generating money for the school's budget. I also needed a more efficient method of collecting fees for both office staff and parents/guardians as mentioned before this is cashless and direct.

How did SchoolMoney fit in at the school?

This software allowed us to email (template letters in software) parents/guardian directly requested a voluntary fee, which meant office and reprographics staff didn't have to prepare a letter, photocopy and post. Thereby, reducing costs. The school payments product can also send reminders and receipts to parents/guardians. The product gives the parent/guardian the option to either pay in a one-off payment or multiple payments. The reports generated are an aid for annual financial reports to Governors.
school payments

The final word

Schoolmoney has been a benefit to wide range of school staff and parents (no cash handling – thereby reducing any loss of money), I would highly recommend the product. Schoolmoney provided initial one-to-one training for our staff, the helpline and guides are also very useful.

SchoolMoney Demo

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