Keresley Academies
Keresley Academies
Tracking Data about Improving Behaviour
Keresley Grange and Keresley Newland are two small schools on the edge of Coventry and Warwickshire. In total, around 450 children attend their settings. The Academy’s aims are summed up as Language, Learning, Lives and their inclusive values for their children centre around ‘RESPECT OURSELVES, RESPECT EACH OTHER and RESPECT OUR SCHOOL.’
The assignment: Tracking Data about Improving Behaviour
How did BehaviourWatch fit in at the school?
The final word
“The tools are powerful and can be used to efficiently prepare behaviour reports for SLT, Governors, School Improvement Partners etc, and provide a strong additional piece of evidence to help with proving improvements that we have been making as a school. Also, we have found that the BehaviourWatch technical support team respond quickly to update requests.”