Find out more about the importance of audit trails and how schools can begin to improve their processes in logging their incidents.
An audit trail is a step-by-step record of all incidents, activities and interactions which concern a certain subject. In schools, staff rely on streamlined audit trails to manage behaviour, plan interventions and to collaborate with parents when solving issues.
Many schools face challenges when having to justify interventions, as it’s difficult for them to locate key pieces of information, such as what incidents occurred, when they occurred and under what circumstances.
School leaders can build a number of factors into their audits, enabling decision-makers to obtain key insights at their convenience. When building these insights en masse, schools really need to be equipped with modern tools to successfully manage this data.
Eduspot’s solution is SchoolAwards, your all-in-one awards management toolbox. SchoolAwards allows you to compile all incidents in one place, enabling you to move away from the traditional process of using a bound and numbered book. Within your incident list, you can easily find all the incidents related to a certain pupil or class, enabling you to rapidly view and manage key pieces of data.
On top of being useful for audit trails, SchoolAwards enables your school’s staff to easily compile end of year reports, engage with parents, create and send behaviour certificates, manage house points and much more! To get yourself booked in for a live demonstration of the system, click here to book your calendar slot.